And check out this little punkin'...

And check out this little punkin'...
Sometimes, I really miss teaching kids to read, so this is how I get my kicks...
And just FYI...so many of our videos take place in the bathtub because that's one of the few places where Eleanor won't immediately try and attack the camera!
What ever will we do when winter comes???
Blogger and I were having a heated argument for two days about whether or not I was going to get to post these videos. I won. But I'm still bitter about how long it took.
This is what happens when you don't like the way a balloon feels, but you really want to hold it...
Taking a BUB-ble bath...
Silly after a nap...
Okay, Blogger, I forgive you...
...read books. (And try to climb onto the table like aforementioned mountain goat.)
unless they have a dirty diaper.
And the very last thing I need you to know so that we can both survive toddlerhood is:
Here is a video of Eleanor eating an apple. It cracks me up because she only has three teeth (the third arriving just yesterday), but she just gnaws away at that thing like she's been eating apples all her life. When we played back this video on the camera afterwards (which is her very favorite thing to do), she kept saying, "Mmmmm" as she watched herself munching away. The video gets a little slow in the middle, but I promise there's a great ending, so just keep watching!
And here's a video of Eleanor giving her puppy a very sweet hug. I wish I would have been on the other side, so you could see her face when she does it. She gets this very sweet look as she says, "Ohhhhh-oh." These are the same hugs she gives me that make me melt. I like to think of them as my paycheck.
Here's a quick little video of Eleanor's latest animal sound. It was originally over two minutes and included her showing me a cow and saying, "BOOOOOOO" and a pig and saying, "Pi-eeeeee", but this is definitely the cutest part.
Hmmm....maybe we spend too much time talking about animals.
Oh, and by the way, we're making progress on the walking thing, I think. Yesterday, at Chick-Fil-A, Eleanor took two steps (sort of- it looked more like she was falling from the slide to the bench) and today she stood for long periods of time all by herself. She still seems pretty scared, so I wouldn't be surprised if she waits a while before taking off.