When we first moved into this place, and my friend Ashley was here for a visit, she had the misfortune to have the very first encounter with our little, black rodent friend, whom I like to call Sir Mousey McMouserson.
No one had seen or heard from Sir Mousey until this past Saturday. On that very special morning, he decided to join Eleanor and me in the playroom. I only noticed him because he was being heavily pursued by our very own Miss Lippy. He apparently ran under the door and into the basement bathroom as that is where Miss Lippy posted herself for the next two days. I made a request that my very brave husband enter said bathroom and place a mousetrap, to which he so kindly obliged. However, Sir Mousey was too smart and cunning to fall into such a primitive trap.
This morning, Sir Mousey decided to be very brave, and show himself to Eleanor and me in the playroom once again. (Perhaps he was less than pleased with the very loud, very high-pitched greeting he received the first time.) He concealed himself in a small hole in the wall that the previous owners had used to, shall we say, "rig up" their cable (really classy), and his little nose was portruding into the room sniffing around. One of the least pleasant things I have ever incurred really. I decided that I should capture Sir Mousey McMouserson once and for all, so as not to be bothered by him again.
I began my hunt with a small tupperware container and a piece of cheese, but Sir Mousey wouldn't come out of hiding. I decided to return upstairs to retrieve a much larger container, so as to avoid any contact with Sir Mousey for fear that touching him may make me vomit profusely. I obtained a very large glass bowl (some more cheese and a broom). I scurried back downstairs only to find that Sir Mousey had apparently changed locations as my ferocious felines (who proved themselves to be quite worthless throughout this saga) were now gathered around the storage room door. I placed some cheese along the bottom of the door, and waited for Sir Mousey to appear. He did not. That clever little mouse could not be fooled.
So, I had to devise another plan. What could I place at the door that would surely lure Sir Mousey out? Well, it seemed that he had enjoyed feasting on the delicious delicacy "Meow Mix" for the past couple of months, so why not give that a try? I placed a few kernels of cat food along the door, and after a very short time heard the unmistakably disgusting sound of a little mouse scurrying about in excitement.
The outcome was this...

I'm not sure what the future holds for Sir Mousey, but I am certain that it in no way involves me or Eleanor or our house.
You are one smart mama. I LOVE the picture of the kitties posted next to the mouse. They are ready if that mouse does try to escape!
Yeah, that last picture is great.
Your trusty guardian knights, Sir Alexander and Mistress Libby, are on duty watching the villinous Sir Mousey. They are ready to spring into action should he try to escape.
Don't you just love cats!!
I don't know if it is the distortion of the bowl...but where is his tail? Could it be a mole?
Nice catch..now the disposal...
OH my gosh, I have my feet off the floor right now!!!! Great job catching the fella! He's so tiny!
John and I once found a mouse when we lived in an apartment. He freaked out and had to put his running shoes, stood on the bed and had my hairdryer in one hand. There's my Brave Knight for ya!
The picture with your kitties is so funny! Way to capture it!
Well, after doing some research (which TOTALLY grossed me out), I have found that Sir Mousey McMouserson is actually a shrew. I will not be changing his name, as it really doesn't matter because his life expectancy is, well, very limited. Good thing I caught him because shrews are venomous.
Thanks Jessica (and my sister via e-mail) for pointing out that he didn't really look like a mouse. I thought he was just some kind of weird tail-less mouse. He's still gross and must be exterminated.
OMG that pic with the cats is GREAT!
I was guessing mole or vole...shrew! Who knew!
Uh-oh...I'm rhyming...
You should change your blog post title to "Taming of the Shrew."
You are much braver than I. I would be standing on a chair or something. That thing (whatever it is) is UGLY.
The picture with the cats is great. Good job catching Sir Mousey!
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