Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How 'bout them apples?

Here is a video of Eleanor eating an apple. It cracks me up because she only has three teeth (the third arriving just yesterday), but she just gnaws away at that thing like she's been eating apples all her life. When we played back this video on the camera afterwards (which is her very favorite thing to do), she kept saying, "Mmmmm" as she watched herself munching away. The video gets a little slow in the middle, but I promise there's a great ending, so just keep watching!

And here's a video of Eleanor giving her puppy a very sweet hug. I wish I would have been on the other side, so you could see her face when she does it. She gets this very sweet look as she says, "Ohhhhh-oh." These are the same hugs she gives me that make me melt. I like to think of them as my paycheck.


starfitch said...

Those are so sweet! She sits so calmly with her little feet crossed eating that apple.

Lisa said...

Such a sweetie. I can't believe she eats the whole apple...peel and all. Grace wont eat the peeling... she will spit it out! Loved the sweet smile at the end.

Janice said...

She said the word "apple" so clearly! I love it!

We have the same dog. I am not crazy about it - it scares the heck out of me... :-P

Shana-Lynn said...

That apple video is so cute. I can't believe how well she does eating it with only 2 teeth. That is amazing! I love love love her smile at the end, priceless.

Robin said...

Very cute videos! Although it took me a long time to actually watch them because they kept hanging over and over again. I blame blogger.

I can't believe it either how someone could eat an apple with so few teeth. Wow is right!

Anonymous said...

Those are so precious. I've never seen a baby love apples so much. I think she's going to be an animal lover too. I sure enjoy seeing your videos, it make me feel like I'm right there watching her.

Wendy said...

ADORABLE!! She is so stinking cute!! Love her little smile!!