So, sometimes when Eleanor wants to tell me she's unhappy with something, she goes on a hunger strike until I figure out what it is. This week, she did her very best little Gandhi impression and ate next to nothing for two days. Instead of eating at the table, she would whine and cry and scream at the top of her lungs all the way through mealtime. Well, last night, I noticed that the screaming started just as I was putting her in her high chair. So, being the smart mom that I am (seriously, this took me two whole days to figure out), I thought, "Hmmm, perhaps she doesn't like sitting in the high chair anymore." I recalled
this post over at 3 Carrs that I had seen last week, and thought I'd give the booster seat (yet another hand-me-down from my awesome friend Ashley) a try. Immediate success!! Eleanor LOVED it! There were no tears, AND she ate like a champ- half an avocado, mandarin oranges, and green beans.
The booster seat is actually on top of a very large phonebook due to the fact that my child has apparently reached her maximum height at twenty-eight and a quarter inches and couldn't see the table from her new seat.
Here are some pictures of my little babydoll enjoying her delicious Soynut Butter sandwich at lunchtime.

She looks ultra happy in that last picture. We tried a booster chair for about a week and it became very dangerous. Aubree is a climber! Anyway, yay for the big girl chair and the soynut sandwich.
very cute - love that smile!
Looks like she loves it. We moved Grace to a booster several months ago and she too loves it. Plus we love having her at the table (even though we use to drag her highchair to the table). It's nice family time.
Also, does soynut have peanuts in it? I haven't tried any these peanut butter alternatives... they also have almond butter. I was gonna ask Grace's pedi about it next time we were in. I just wonder if she will have a reaction.
Sounds like you have a stubborn girl! She's such a big girl...on her way to being a toddler!
Yep....same thing happened at my house a few weeks ago. Our booster is on a patio cushion to raise it up!
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