Monday, October 8, 2007


Here's a quick little video of Eleanor's latest animal sound. It was originally over two minutes and included her showing me a cow and saying, "BOOOOOOO" and a pig and saying, "Pi-eeeeee", but this is definitely the cutest part.

Hmmm....maybe we spend too much time talking about animals.


Lisa said...

Are you playing the dark?

Love it though. She seems to be saying new words everyday... very exciting!!

Robin said...

very cute!

Shana-Lynn said...

I'll have to try back again. I can't get the video to work. Bummer.

Shana-Lynn said...

okay that's so stinkin cute!

Kristen said...

That is adorable! She's so dang smart.

Robin said...

I noticed you have new pictures on shutterfly. There are some really good ones in there!

Megan said...

Lisa, We weren't playing in the dark. The sun was shining really bright through the window behind me, and I think it made the video look like that. :)

Robin- Thanks!