Thursday, October 4, 2007

A visit to the bapple farm

We made a little trek over to the Crooked Run Orchard today to pick some apples. Okay, I really had no intention of picking apples- I just had visions of great photo ops dancing around inside my head. I would have bought apples if they just happened to take Visa or Mastercard, but I did not make a special trip to the ATM for this little venture. My neighbor has an apple tree, and lets me have all the apples I want for nada.

Anyway, Eleanor was pleased to see the apples, but was more focused on drinking juice from her friend Jordan's cup. All kinds of crying ensued when I wouldn't let her. Laura was so sweet, and even let me pour some of Jordan's juice into Eleanor's cup. Did that work? Well, of course not. It was clearly the blue Nemo cup she was after- not the juice. We finally just gave up and let her have the darn thing for the wagon ride back to the car.

Somehow between Eleanor's little mini-tantrums, I did manage to take some pictures.


Robin said...

Yes, sometimes it is about the photo op. I've taken about a month of from taking pictures, but I'm ready to go somewhere cool and get some more good shots.

The 2nd and 3rd pictures are my favorite!

Janice said...

I agree. As soon as I step out of the house my mind races with all kinds of photo-op ideas, most of which never pan out, but I just can't help myself.

So did Eleanor like the apples? My favorite picture is the one of her taking a bite out of it. Hey, speaking of photo-ops, you could have her wear that Snow White outfit and go back in the apple orchard to take abite out of an apple!

Kimberly said...

Yep...the camera...never leave home without it! Great pics...I don't think we have any apple pickin' places around here :(

Shana-Lynn said...

Bapple, that is too funny. What a sweet heart she is. I love the one of her biting into the apple. So cute.

Kristen said...

The pictures are just great, as usual.

Eleanor is growing!