Friday, October 26, 2007

My little monkey

When we first bought our house, I mentioned that there was a park right behind the back yard. It's so close to us, and we go so often, that I'm pretty sure Eleanor thinks it is our back yard. Before this week (when we got a LOT of rain), we had gone to the park everyday for about two weeks. Eleanor has even learned the words rock ("rah-rah") and shovel ("sh-blllll") because she spends so much time playing in the gravel pit.

Eleanor's new favorite thing to do at the park is to climb EVERYTHING. She climbs up the slides, and slides back down over and over- sometimes until her little face turns red and she starts sweating. She also loves climbing up and down the equipment that has stairs. She really has no clue that she's in the way of all the big kids who are running around, and most of them are very careful around her.

Here are some pictures of her being a little monkey on Tuesday before the rain came. (Oh, and check out those super cool pants- another gift from our blogger friend Wendy.)

What ever will we do when winter comes???


Robin said...

I think we should skip winter this year. Maybe a week or two of cold weather around Christmas and then back to weather like this.

Shana-Lynn said...

If I discover anything cool to do this winter, I will pass along the ideas. I know it's going to be a long one in our house this year.

You do have quite the monkey on your hands. You go girl!

Loving those pants as well.

Janice said...

Those pants are cute!

I am sooooo dreading winter now that both kids are all over the place. Even trips to the mall play area is starting to get old with them. :-)