Here's a fun video of Eleanor laughing. I don't think you can get the full effect of just how cute her little giggle is, but it's close enough. The top of her head is cut off because I have to hold the camera where she can't see it or she'll just stare at it. You can also see in the video that she is responding to her name, which I think is adorable. I love that she makes me feel like I'm REALLY funny!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Eleanor is 5 months old
Here are some of the things she's up to:
- Babbling like crazy.
- Laughing and smiling more and more often.
- Trying to crawl, but only managing to look like a cute, little froggy.
- Putting a spoon in her mouth.
- Scooting herself all over her bed. (which makes each morning it's own little surprise)
- Copying Mommy and Daddy when they sign "milk."
- Eating lots of veggies. (except, of course, asparagus)
- Standing while holding on to almost anything.
- Smiling at strangers when they look at her.
Eleanor has brought and is bringing SO much joy to our life!! We are so thankful for a blessing such as this! Praise God for precious baby girls (and boys)!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
The bright side
Friday, January 26, 2007
Eleanor's top 10 most favoritest things
9. Staring at the star on my Baby Einstein activity gym for as long as Mommy will let me.
8. Standing.
7. Watching Mommy in the kitchen while sitting in my Bumbo.
6. Laughing hysterically when Mommy blows on my tummy and makes silly noises.
5. Grabbing Mommy's hair and pulling really hard while she's blowing on my tummy.
4. Screaming so loud and so high that only dolphins and dogs can hear me.
3. Doing a happy dance when Mommy or Daddy come to get me out of my bed in the morning.
2. Watching kids play at the playground in the mall.
And Eleanor's most favoritest thing in the whole wide world (at least for this week) is...
1. Carrying on long and meaningful conversations with the air vent and fire sprinkler on the ceiling of my room.
Born with a plastic spoon...
Am I going to think every new thing each of my children does is so fantastic?!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Like this, Mommy?
And sometimes her head goes back even further. I've also been using bottles with handles on the sides for some feedings. This morning, she was holding the handles with both hands and had the nipple jammed into her mouth at an angle that allowed very little milk to flow. Jared and I were trying so hard to restrain our laughter because she kept giving me this sideways glance to make sure I was watching her. She was so proud of herself! It made me tear up that she was trying so hard and seeking my approval. Our little girl is growing up so fast!!
She has a pretty strong will for someone so small. I don't know where she could have gotten that. (For those of you who don't know us very well, she pretty much hit the Double Whammy on that one!) Last night, when I insisted on asparagus part two, she let me know exactly how she was feeling. I put a spoonful of asparagus in her mouth. Then, she looked right into my eyes with a very serious look on her face, and said something like, "Oh-ooo-ga-n-ga-n-gooo-la-la-goo-ga-na-na-noo" before she stuck her tongue out with the asparagus still on it and refused to close her mouth until I scraped it off.
I feel like any grief we gave our parents is going to be paid back to us tenfold in the coming years! (And we're going to love every minute of it!!)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Our Discovery Health moment
And here's the best part....he didn't charge us for our visit. Okay, the best part is really that my baby is fine, and is not getting teeth all over her mouth. (But the no charge is a close second.)
Monday, January 22, 2007
A mommy's workout
- 5 sprints through the kitchen to prepare a bottle and cereal before baby realizes she's hungry
- 10 laps around the bed while holding baby with one arm and making bed with other
- 6 squats to pick up pillows to put on bed (bending at the waist has become a thing of the past since that would dump baby on her little punkin' head)
- 3 lunges to retrieve laundry from the dryer while holding baby
- 5 one-leg hops to pick up socks dropped from laundry with toes
- 10 or so more squats to pick up pacifier from the floor (as it would be quite unsanitary to pick it up with toes)
- at least 50 bicep curls lifting baby from crib, exersaucer, swing, etc.
- 2 minutes of balancing exercises as one tries to hold baby, run bath water into baby tub (while continuously monitoring its temperature), and not fall face first into bath tub
- 12 crunches while trying to entertain baby with a rousing game of airplane
- countless minutes spent doing the mommy sway or rock (whichever your baby prefers) to keep baby happy in line at the grocery store, post office, etc. as to not receive evil stares from those around you
And these are just the ones that come to mind right away.
So, basically, in the time it took to write this, I could have done a few minutes of real exercise, but that wouldn't have been nearly as much fun.Sunday, January 21, 2007
Let it snow!
We drove home (scary!), and I insisted that Eleanor have some pictures of her first snow. She thought the snow was really funny. She kept sucking in her breath and blinking her eyes, and then she stuck out her tongue and let snow fall on it. It was so exciting! Probably more so for me than her. That's why I have that stupid-looking grin on my face. We walked around a little bit, then Eleanor wrote a message for Daddy in the snow and made her first snow angel.
It's still snowing!!!!!! The snow is too dry to make a snowman. It's very pretty, but I'm starting to worry about Jared going to work tomorrow.
I was tagged by Lisa
Here is how it works....Here is a list of categories. Add the links to previous posts that you feel fit these descriptions.
FUNNY Easy Button
SERIOUS Christmas
UGLY Christmas Eve ear infection
Like Mother...
We tried a new church today, and we liked it pretty well. The people were very nice, especially the ladies in the nursery, which is very important to us. Eleanor kept grinning at the lady who was watching her. When we went to pick her up she looked like she was really having a good time. We'll probably go back next Sunday. I hope we find a permanent place to go soon.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Bundled up
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Winter is here!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
At the park
We tried the swing, but she couldn't sit up very well, so she hated it!
She played in the playhouse with Daddy.
And then she was ready to leave. This is her ready-to-leave face:
And here's a picture of her and Mommy:
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Giraffe hunting
It's so funny how she latches on to one toy for a few days, and won't play with anything else. The great thing is by the time she's bored with one toy and ready for a change, she's completely forgotten about her other toys, so they appear exciting and brand new. Ahhh...the bliss of having no long-term memory!
(Please take note of the distance between her feet and the bottom of the exersaucer. People keep asking, "Isn't it adjustable?" Yes, it is. That's the highest setting. My kiddo has the shortest little legs in history, courtesy of one parent who shall remain nameless, but isn't me.)
Friday, January 12, 2007
Get your feet ON the furniture!
I wonder at what point I will have to explain to Eleanor that it's bad manners to put your feet on the furniture. Look at that face- it's certainly not going to be today!
I knew that Eleanor could stand if Mommy or Daddy were holding her hands, but I just discovered a couple of days ago that she can stand if I put her next to something that she can hold on to. She can stand holding on to the side of her crib, but I'm nervous she'll fall forward and hurt her little head. Plus, I'm not sure that I want to encourage standing up in bed just yet. So, the couch seems like our best play place for this fun activity. (I know it looks like she's really close to the edge of the couch, but she really isn't, and I'm very close to her incase she does fall.)
I know this isn't a milestone or something I need to write in the baby book. I just think it's really cute, and she absolutely loves it. The only problem is she doesn't understand why she can't stand all the time, and she got a little grouchy when we were finished and she had to get back on the floor- like a baby. The best part was when she would lose her balance and fall into a sitting position. She would look up like, "What? I meant to do that!" (The last picture)
She really is starting to have such a fun personality. Finally, something that can't be attributed to her daddy. JUST KIDDING! I really like hanging out with her, and I am so grateful to be able to do that. We keep each other laughing all day. This morning, she grabbed my ear and would pull it and then push it away, and she thought it was hysterical. She has the most infectious and adorable giggle!
I love my little girl so much. I am so, so thankful to Jared (whom I also love so much) for prayerfully following God's will for us, and putting us in a position where I am able to enjoy and nurture her around the clock!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Fun book meme
Here are the directions:
1)Grab the book closest to you
2)Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence
3)Post the text of the following 3 sentences on your blog
4)Name the author and book title
5)Tag three people to do the same
Okay, the book is Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy by Vicki Iovine. No, I'm not pregnant. It just happened to be on the end of the bookshelf.
"By this I mean my breasts were even bigger than they were a month ago, but my waistline had completely disappeared and my belly was starting to pop out enough to provide a resting place for my breasts. This is the period when no one is sure whether you are pregnant or just spending too much time at the dessert table, so they don't mention your appearance. However, you can be sure they are talking about it behind your back."
You know you know exactly what she's talking about!!! Hilarious!
I only know two other people (besides Lisa) with blogs, so I officially tag Denise and Robin, but I would love it if everyone would do this and post it as a comment here!!
I'm frightened at the very thought of what green peas will do...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Gone to Texas (Again!)
In December, Eleanor took her second trip to the Lone Star State. (Her first trip was pre-blog.) We stayed with Mr. Keith, Miss Ashley, Kelsey, Jake and Megan.
It was the little Farris' first time to meet Baby Eleanor, and they were quite excited. Last time they saw me (us?), Eleanor was in my tummy. Of course, this was a pretty easy concept for the big kids to grasp, but it took a little convincing for Megan, who kept saying, "Where's you baby?" and looking at my stomach. She caught on quickly, though, and couldn't wait to hold and love on Baby Eleanor. They loved taking turns holding her, and would gather around the bouncy seat to watch her play. Another favorite activity was putting the pacifier in her mouth (and for Megan- taking it out, putting it in, taking it out, and so on, which was hysterical!) They all loved helping out and it was so sweet to see the way they loved being around her!
One day, while we were in the car, I whispered (so I thought!) to Ashley that maybe Jake and Eleanor would get married. To which Jake replied, "What?!? I can't marry her. By the time she's a teenager, I'll already be married. I'm getting married after I finish college." Who can argue with that? But wouldn't it be cute?...
One evening, Ashley and I had a special treat. Keith agreed to watch Eleanor so that we could go out to dinner and to see a movie. It was so wonderful to have girl time! Keith gets an A+ for babysitting because that night Eleanor slept 12 hours straight for the first time ever! I offered (or threatened, depending on how you look at it) to hire him as Eleanor's nanny, but he kindly declined, though I think the job was perfect for him.
While we were in town, we got to see our friends from church. I loved hanging out with them! Eleanor met several babies close to her own age. They exchanged e-mail addresses, and are still in touch. Here are a couple of them- Bella and Josh (whose mommies are my friends Jamie and Amanda). The babies were enthralled by Baby Einstein while the big kids decorated cookies.
Eleanor also met other babies when we hung out with my ex-work friends. (Definitely not ex-friends, just ex-work!) Eileen's baby Jackson is just two weeks older than Eleanor. Somehow, we missed getting them coordinated for a picture, but here's me with sweet Gabriel and his mom Claudia:
Our trip was so great! I'm so glad some of my favorite people got to meet Eleanor and vice versa. We are so blessed to have so many great people in our lives!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Teething again...
Friday, January 5, 2007
The look
Sometimes, when I'm walking in the mall, I am startled when I look down in the stroller, and see Jared staring back at me. When we visited our friend Keith in Houston, he commented that he felt strange holding Eleanor because it was like he was holding Jared in a pink dress. Now, there's a pretty mental picture!
I think it's so great how God makes babies look like combinations of their mommies and daddies. It's amazing how He can make completely different little people out of the same ingredients just by changing up the recipe.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Rolling over
When Eleanor was two months old, she rolled over from her tummy to her back, much to the excitement of her mommy! However, when I tried to show her daddy and a couple of friends her new trick, she would not do it again. Well, yesterday (some two months later), she did it again- five times! And this time I've got the video to prove it...