Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Chasing Proverbs 31

The 'wife of noble character' described in Proverbs 31 is a woman who has it all figured out. She's a great wife and mother, a farmer, and apparently a pretty snazzy dresser. I fall desperately short of her legacy, but am dedicated to the hope that my husband will have 'full confidence' in me and my children will call me 'blessed'. Perhaps I have got one thing right- in verse 25, we are told 'she can laugh...'


Robin said...

Yay! You have now been added to my "Friends and Family" blogroll. It is an honor to be listed on there, so you should feel special.

Lisa said...

Love it! I espeically love your title and theme... I'm am not quite as creative! Oh well! Can't wait to hear more about you and Eleanor!

Megan said...

Are you serious? Your blog is absolutely gorgeous, and I love reading it!