Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
What I discovered today...
We do "shared reading" quite a bit with library books, where I start reading the sentence then let her finish reading it. I usually jump in when we come to a word I think she won't be able to read, but she showed me today that she can read way more words than I thought she could! It was unbelievable! I'm no longer buying my own photographic memory theory. I think it's more than that...
I've been doing lots of research lately about babies' brains and such. I've read plenty of books and websites, and I still just don't know what to think. I'm not sure why I keep looking for an explanation when I know God is absolutely capable of giving her this gift just because He chose to.
This little video clip doesn't really do justice to what I saw today, but it's all I could get. She was tired of this game and wanted to go outside by the time I got the video camera out.
Eleanor is 19 months old!
Reading nonfiction children's books on topics like the moon or how bees make honey. Seriously. She doesn't want to read anything that's not related to science. She has now added to her reading vocabulary words like lava, volcanoes, Earth, full moon, half moon, roots, seeds, honey, and wax. I'm pretty sure she's going to be smarter than me in like six weeks.
Eating a much wider variety of foods. Thank goodness!! We discovered that if we give her what we're eating and a fork, she'll eat almost anything. Who knew a utensil could make such a difference?!
Talking like crazy. Here are a few of my favorite Eleanor sayings.
- She's really into looking for things. So, she stills says, "_______, ah you?" all the time. And it's now followed by, "Tet-is!" (There it is!)
- When I ask her if she wants something, she says, "No!......Otay." She also says "otay" when she's getting ready to do something, like read a book.
- When she wants a kiss- "Piss, pease." And when she's eating corn- "" Hilarious.
- "Daddy, ah you? Daddy WORT!" (work) and "Mimi, ah you? Mimi Tet-sas." (Texas)
- She has the sweetest little "thank you" ever and uses it at all the right when someone gives her something or at the store when we check-out or when someone pays her a compliment. She even thanks me for washing her bottom in the bathtub.
- "Help, pease."
- "Ho high!" (so high)
- "I sit down." Then, after she sits, "Otay!!"
- "Weed books!" (read books)
- "Words, pease" when she wants to look at flashcards.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Getting a little bit crafty
I was getting ready to organize Eleanor's toys (again!) when I realized I would probably need another container to put some things in. Being the thrifty stay-at-home mom that I am, I saw my easy (and free) solution in the form of a huge Costco diaper box. I randomly glued different-sized pieces of scrapbook paper all over it. Then, I used a piece of extra ribbon I found in my craft box and made a bow.
Voila! A box for all of Eleanor's dress-up items. Tomorrow I'm going to turn the wipes box into a box for Eleanor's board books, as her bookshelf is currently overflowing. And the next day I'm going to design brand new kitchen cabinets from empty cases of green beans and corn. (On second thought, maybe I'll hold off on that one for a bit.)
And here's my little ballerina trying to put her tutu on all by herself. "IIII DO, MOMMY!"
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Leesburg Animal Park
Eleanor L-O-V-E-D it!! I can't even really describe how excited she was, but we were there for over two hours, and she could have stayed longer- probably forever! I bought a season pass for us, so I'm sure we'll be heading over there (it's just ten minutes from our house!) many, many times this spring and summer.
I also bought a refillable food cup, but I'm not sure I'll be getting the food next time...let's just say the animals get a tad agressive when you're holding that stuff. There was one big animal (that I didn't catch the name of) that nibbled my hand because I wasn't giving him food fast enough and tried to eat Eleanor's bow several times.
Here are some pictures of Miss Priss being one with nature...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Easter Egg Hunt
Here's the play-by-play recap of Eleanor's very first Easter Egg Hunt.
And there was an Easter Bunny. I didn't really attempt to get Eleanor to sit in his lap alone. I'm certain it wouldn't have gone well. But she was very interested in giving the Easter Bunny "bize." (Also known as five.)
I was going to post a video clip of Eleanor's very first Easter Egg Hunt, but the camera person (ah-hem...MIMI) got some great footage of the grass...and that's all. In her defense, she only got a 30-second instructional session on using the video camera before the "hunting" began. We'll get it next time.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Guess who's here.
It's MIMI!!! I have now taken a third place role in my own house...Mimi swooped right in and claimed the position of numero uno. Eleanor wakes up saying, "Mimi...ah you??" So cute. We're having a lot of fun. The weather was nice enough this weekend for us to get out some. On Saturday, we all went geocaching and found two geocaches. We also went to the park.
Friday, March 14, 2008
18-month sleep regression
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Op-sits and other funny stuff
So, Eleanor's new favorite game is Opposites. She'll come up to me and say, "Op-sits!" and then we do this...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Here's a funny picture of Eleanor that pretty much sums up how we feel. Well, it's a little on the dramatic side, but you get the idea. Oh, and she's in jammies because I didn't have the energy to dress her for four days. She wore pajamas for four days straight!...not the sames ones...I changed her from the dirty jammies to clean jammies every night after her bath, which I only gave her because her face and hands were covered in crusty snot. Okay, now I'm just rambling...I gotta get out of the house.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Another reading baby
Well, today they were on the Today Show...
That mom said so many things that I've been saying she was afraid her baby was autistic...and that she didn't mean to teach her baby to read.
We're sort of in contact with that family via the reporter that did the original story on them. Very interesting!
Oh, and thanks to Lisa who has a five day old baby (and a busy toddler!) and still called me this morning to tell me about the Today Show baby!! That girl is one awesome Momma!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
More of my baby reading
When Eleanor first learned to talk, I remember counting 10 words, then 25 words, then 60 words, and then she just really took off within a couple of months. The same thing is happening with reading. I can't even count how many words she can read now. I know it's over 100, and she surprises me with new ones everyday.
So, here's another video of her reading. I had to bribe her with milk, and was still surprised that she sat still long enough to read 40 words. (For Parts 1 and 2 of reading videos click here and here.)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Daddy's girl
This week, he had to go out of town for a couple of days, and she was so not happy about it. I had to take over Daddy's nighttime duties and put her to bed. The first night, she cried when I put her in her bed. It was just a little bit, but she never cries at bedtime. Never. The second night when I said it was night-night time, she ran down the hall shouting, "Daddy...AH YOU????" It was heart-breakingly sad.
So, here are a few pics of my two favorite people messin' around today after naptime.