Monday, March 17, 2008

Guess who's here.

It's MIMI!!! I have now taken a third place role in my own house...Mimi swooped right in and claimed the position of numero uno. Eleanor wakes up saying, "Mimi...ah you??" So cute. We're having a lot of fun. The weather was nice enough this weekend for us to get out some. On Saturday, we all went geocaching and found two geocaches. We also went to the park.

Our sleeping seems to have found its way back to normal. It took one night of me ignoring Miss Priss's requests to have some company in the middle of the night. It was hard, but I think it was necessary, and at least for now it worked.


Janice said...

Looks like Eleanor is really enjoying her Mimi's company! I haven't taken the kids to the park in a while. I might have to venture over there sometime when it's warmer.

I just read your last post and it sounded just like Ava at 18 months. For some reason she would cry in the middle of the night. We eventually let her cry it out and she seems to be back to her regular routine. So glad you're getting some sleep!

Shana-Lynn said...

Wow does she ever look excited to have her Mimi there! Glad you were able to get out and enjoy your weather, it is so muddy and yucky and rainy here, it truly stinks.

Have a great week with Mimi Eleanor.

Jeannie said...

as always, your pictures are beautiful!

Kimberly said...

Yay for Mimi!! Hope you guys have a fun visit together!

GG said...

Yea for MiMi!!! Happy she made it and I know she's dreading Friday already! But wait 'til June!!!!!