Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Op-sits and other funny stuff

Thanks, everyone, for your well wishes. We're feeling better, and both got a full night's rest last night...gotta love antibiotics.

So, Eleanor's new favorite game is Opposites. She'll come up to me and say, "Op-sits!" and then we do this...

She knows a few more that I forgot while we were making the video. My favorite is wet/dry. I think I just like the way she says the word wet...most of the time as she pours a little bit of her drink on her head while we're eating. Anything for a laugh with that girl.

And a couple more funny things I want to put in writing before I forget...

Whenever she sees pizza or a picture of pizza or anything that looks like it might be pizza, she says, "Zee-za! Mmmmm....dood!"

Tonight during her bath when I started to wash her ears (which she hates!), she said, "NO! Don't do dat!!" I'm sure laughing hysterically was the wrong response, but I really couldn't help myself. I'm sure the funny will wear off that one pretty quick!


Robin said...

She pours her drink on her head for wet? That's awesome. You should get a video of that.

Shana-Lynn said...

Glad you both are feeling better!!

I want to here her say wet now!!

Kimberly said...

She's one smart little bugger! Love her little voice! And can you BELIEVE that we've been at this blogging thing for well over a year now!

M said...

that is amazing - she is a little genius!
Thanks for your comment! We love the color!
I wish we lived close to you guys so Cade could hang out with E - she could teach him how to read!
I love your photography! Good Luck!