Monday, March 10, 2008

Another reading baby

A couple of weeks ago, some of our family and friends e-mailed me a news story about a 17-month-old in Lubbock that could read. The story really could have been about Eleanor...they sounded just alike.

Well, today they were on the Today Show...

That mom said so many things that I've been saying she was afraid her baby was autistic...and that she didn't mean to teach her baby to read.

We're sort of in contact with that family via the reporter that did the original story on them. Very interesting!

Oh, and thanks to Lisa who has a five day old baby (and a busy toddler!) and still called me this morning to tell me about the Today Show baby!! That girl is one awesome Momma!!


Shana-Lynn said...

Eleanor really does have a special ability to read, it's amazing and very neat.

Thanks for sharing that story! I love how they had a plug for sign language, I think it's great!

GG said...

Keep us up-to-dated on this, please
Eleanor is much cuter than that other little girl but then, could we be a little bit prejudice?????????? I think so!! It is our right, I believe!!

Vicki said...

That is really interesting. I hope you can contact that mom and see what advice she has for you and Jared.

starfitch said...

Hee hee...I should have checked your blog before I sent that email! I thought the same thing..."it sounds just like Eleanor!"