Okay, sorry about the lack of posting (SO not like me), but we were having so much fun with Mimi that I couldn't find the time to post. Then, yesterday, Eleanor and I were sulking because she went home. We forced ourselves to suck it up today, and get back into our normal routine, which now includes...
Tae Bo. For a little over a week now, I've been doing a Tae Bo workout

tape in the mornings. I did
not do it while my mother-in-law was here, as it's embarrassing enough to do with my six-month-old looking on, much less another adult. But today I got back into the groove, and got my workout on.
Me+Tae Bo= Hilarious on so many levels for so many reasons. But mostly because I am THE most uncoordinated, least graceful person that has ever walked (or stumbled) upon God's creation. I'm pretty sure even super-fit, uber-healthy Billy Blanks himself would drop dead of a heart attack if he snuck a peak through my living room window and saw me butchering his workout moves. Seriously, my body flails about in ways that make a headless chicken look like Sammy Davis, Jr. Whatever. I figure because I'm sweaty and sore at the end of the tape, I must be getting a good workout.
But about Billy Blanks...can you say superfreak?! He is so weird and so lame that it is sometimes hard for me to believe that he's actually human. The first time I did the video was probably the best workout I've had so far because I laughed my butt right off. Is he serious? First of all, let's talk wardrobe. He's wearing a red, spandex half-shirt. Half-shirt?! I don't care if you're sporting a twelve pack of rock-hard abs, dudes don't wear half-shirts. And then there are those "motivational" phrases that he uses to "inspire" you throughout the tape. For example, 'I'm watching you. I'm always watching you. Even when my back is turned, I'm still watching you.' Actually, you're not, Billy.
I'm watching
you. Because you're inside my TV. Have they explained to you how this video thing works? And my other favorite- 'Don't give up. Look to a higher power. Whatever higher power you believe in, look to that for strength.' Really? I happen to believe in THE higher power- the REAL one, and am pretty sure He doesn't care whether or not I finish this Tae Bo tape. Nice try, though, Billy.
Anyway, as goofy and ridiculous as I find Billy Blanks to be, I'm going to continue his workout in pursuit of my former body. I hope he doesn't read this and come Tae Bo me. I think I'll do an extra closet check tonight just to make sure he's really not watching me.