I'm crazy about most of Ben Franklin's ideas- electricity, the stove, bifocals, etc. But I do believe he made a serious error when he thought up Daylight Savings Time. I think that just because he was really smart, all the politicians jumped on his time-changing bandwagon without really thinking through this idea. "Oh, yes, Mr. Franklin, why don't we rob everyone of the precious hour of sleep they so deserve?" I understand that you supposedly get the hour back in the fall, but that's a pretty long time to wait. (I hope I'm not this crabby until then.)
So, I might be able to recover from getting a little less sleep. (In the past week, I've gotten quite used to having only 4 or 5 hours a night anyway.) But it is just wrong to mess with my baby like this. She totally doesn't get it. I know, I know, she is six months old. Why doesn't she understand Mr. Franklin's brilliant system of time-switching? Well, she doesn't, and she has been quite bewildered by it all morning. I finally got her down for a nap, but had to listen to her shouting (what I'm pretty sure were curses) at me for 30 or so minutes. Why, Mr. Franklin, why? Why have you done this to us?
I'm thinking that mommies of infants and toddlers should form an organization called Moms Against Daylight Savings Time, and put a stop to this nonsense. On second thought, I think I will open the organization to anyone, as I can think of several groups of people who are probably against DST. Pastors who are preaching to a half-sleeping congregation on Sunday morning. Teachers who can't get their students' heads off their desks on Monday. Even college kids who lost a good hour of partying Saturday night (however inappropriate- they have feelings too.)
We will storm the capitol, and demand that Congress hear our pleas. They will probably tell us to move to a country that doesn't participate in DST, to which we will reply...
...I don't know...I thought of the name. I can't do all the work.
Megan- I am with you on this! Sign me up! After listening to Julia and Connor drop a huge exercise ball that is as big as their bodies over the balcony, into the living (beside my bedroom) at 6 a.m. I have had enough!!! I, not happy about the daylight savings time, simply told them I would drop them over the balcony if they did not stop. No, not really, but I did want to say that! Does that count? Hope you get some rest!!
Amen! Sign me up too! I can't afford to lose MORE sleep! UGH. It is probably going to be another rough night for us with the non-sleepers.
If you do petition Congress and get rid of it, make sure we stay on the current time because I really enjoy having the extra daylight the evening. Please?
I'll see what I can do. I, too, enjoy the extra hour of daylight! Eleanor, however, cried in her crib until the sun went down. She's a stickler for her routine.
You are TOO funny! Yes, a rough night for the H family!!! JD's grandma in Mississippi had a friend ask her how the cows were going to know to wake up an hour earlier. Clearly, we have support for this cause even in the deep South!
Megan - SERIOUSLY! They don't know who they're dealing with here. I'm glad someone has finally had the guts to speak out! Seriously!
Go figure - Jon has been sleeping for 2.5 hours. What to do??? He never naps this long but his sleep was so crappy last night that I hate to wake him. This DST is freaking me out!! ;)
Robin told me that Eleanor was 6 weeks early...what was her eating schedule like those first few weeks? Asher is eating ALL THE TIME! When were you able to get her on a schedule?
Eleanor kind of put herself on a 3-hour schedule right away. I guess it really started in the hospital. Once we got home, I would wake her every three hours during the day, so that (in theory) she would sleep longer at night. At first, she only slept 4 or sometimes 5 hours at night before waking. There were times, though, when she would cry to be fed after only 2 1/2 hours, and I would feed her, then try to make it to three hours before the next feeding. Our schedule was eat, play, then sleep. But in the beginning eating and playing combined was only like 45 mins. to an hour, then she would sleep until the next feeding.
I hope this is helpful. If you have any other questions, you can e-mail me anytime: meg_jar@yahoo.com
Hang in there! I'm sure you doing GREAT!!!
If i wasn't a mom I think I could handle daylight savings just fine. I mean I could go to bed an hour early if it was just me or wake up an hour early or whatever.. BUT when you have young children.. it's like flipping there world upside down. I mean they don't know They have to fall asleep an hour early or wake up at a different time in the morning.. UGH.. I'm so sleepy since the time change. So Sign me up also.
And thank you.. You are so sweet wanting to link me.. I'm honored. So feel free.
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