Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere...

In an effort to inexpensively entertain the whole family, we decided to give Eleanor her first bubble bath. She was very interested in the bubbles- but only as something new to put in her mouth. She kept dipping her face in the water with her mouth open. Then, she decided that it might be more efficient to use her hands to bring the bubbles to her mouth. Thank goodness for harmless Johnson's Baby Wash!


Denise said...

Ahh, Eleanor is learning early the joy of a bubble bath. OH how I love bubble baths (not that I am taking any at this stage of my life). But, I do still sneak in a nice warm bath. I mentally NEED it. Sorry that I did not call you back. Jon David is, you guessed it, not feeling well with the virus of the week. LONG nights were had by all. He was quite whiny and not at all interested in letting Mommy talk on the phone. :(

Wendy said...

Love Love Love the black and white pic. It is too precious. That one is a keeper. Hope she enjoyed it! I am sure she did- I know mine do!

Janice said...

Oh, my gosh, these are priceless! I love baby bath pictures. That's a great shot of Eleanor holding the bubbles in her mouth!

Robin said...

Yum....bubbles! Who doesn't like to eat bubbles?

Cute pictures. I must say your photography skills are improving. Now we just need to crash some weddings to start your portfolio. That can be our project for June.

Megan said...

Thanks, Robin, but actually these are Jared's photos. I was in the bath tub with Eleanor. I edited them, though, so I'm taking credit for that. I actually only made that one black and white because my leg was in it. :)

Robin said...

Well, it was more of an overall comment on your pictures as whole as opposed to just these.

I heard the cherry blossoms are starting to bud now, and it won't be long before they bloom. I want to get some pictures of those.

Shana-Lynn said...

Great pictures and nice cropping.;-)
You are brave starting her in the big girl tub, I didn't dare start until my daughter turned 1! Glad Eleanor had a blast though, even if she did want a bubble snack.

Megan said...

Shana- I'm not that brave. I only let her be in the big-girl tub like that because I was in there too. I just started using a bath tub seat that I bought at a consignment sale for 2 bucks, and I love it. She gets to sit up and splash around, and I'm not a nervous wreck the whole time! :)

Kimberly said...

Cute Cute Cute!! I haven't tried bubbles yet but I just might have too!

Lisa said...

We've never done bubbles.. I bet Grace would love it. Love the black and white pic the best! Good shot Meagan.

Shana-Lynn said...

And here I thought you were all brave and stuff! Hey, good deal on the seat! I have never tried one of those.