Here's what she's up to...
- Crawling everywhere, pulling up on everything, and trying to get anything that looks dangerous.
- Talking all the time- some of the time in English, but most of the time in Eleanor-ese.
- Clapping and waving every time anyone looks her way.
- Standing in her crib and throwing her pacie out when she wakes up. She used to call for us to come get it in the middle of the night, so I started putting four pacies in her bed. If she loses all of the them...well, let's just say we're not getting up to get them anymore.
- Feeding herself anything that will fit into her mouth. (Unfortunately, this includes crumbs from the floor, lint, dust bunnies, etc.)
Eleanor is really becoming quite the little entertainer, and keeps us smiling and laughing all the time! We sure love our sweet baby girl!