Eleanor and I are very blessed to have such an amazing extended family to have shared this special holiday with in Jared's absence. They are understanding and loving and funny, which kept my time to feel sorry for myself to a minimum. There were a few tears Christmas morning as Eleanor "ooed" and "awwed" over her gifts and Daddy wasn't there to share in the joy; however, I did make an extended edition director's cut DVD of Christmas morning that is already on its way to Iraq along with about 50 pictures of our Christmas celebrations.
Here are some shots of Christmas morning in apartment 1211:
Santa brought a "panano"
and some Backyardigans discs for the View Master.
He also put a Slinky in her stocking, which was a huge hit!All she really wanted was a candy cane...could have saved a few bucks there. Hindsight...
Mommy's little photographer seeing if she got the shot.
And here she is Photoshopping her photos. Not really. Just playing on her new computer. The look on her face is priceless to me!
I think this girl had a very Merry Christmas!!