Monday, December 15, 2008

Pretending to feel Christmasy

So, I'm not really feeling the whole Christmas spirit thing this year. It could have a little something to do with the fact that this is the first Christmas I've spent without Jared in 11 years. (Huge sigh.) However, a certain little person in our family is totally into all things Christmas (seriously, she must know ten Christmas carols already), so I'm trying my best to give her a great holiday season experience.

Today, we decorated our (borrowed) Christmas tree with homemade ornaments.

Eleanor enjoyed making the ornaments very much.

She's very into glitter so I decided we'd decorate some balls for our tree. She got to decide what would go on each ball, which explains why we now have a ball on our tree that says, "Elmo." You gotta love Christmas with a two-year-old. I will say, though, that I must be doing something right because she wanted to make one that said "Jesus" and then told me to 'write Happy Birthday on it now.'

D is for "Daddy." :(

Then, it was time to put them on the tree. She kept saying, 'Mommy, first we put a screw on it, then put it on da tree.' Not sure why she couldn't retain the word "hook."

I tried bribing her with a lollipop to take a picture in front of the tree with me. So, I got about 20 pictures of her licking a lollipop. Nice.


Laura P said...

this is such a sweet post--you're such an awesome MOM for making her christmas special, even if you dont feel so cheery. She will remember decorating her own ornaments, and yall should keep them forever. you'll look back each year as you're putting these ornaments on and always remember this christmas, for better or for worse :) But you're making it memorable for her, and that's so cool. No room for scrooge with that awesome tree!! :) And the little "D" ornament is so cute. Awesome job, megan.

starfitch said...

Supermommy! Homemade ornaments....and your friend is right, keep those forever! It's a beautiful tree and a beautiful mommy and little lady.

Shana-Lynn said...

You're such an awesome mommy!!! I love your little tree and the beautiful homemade ornaments, they are just darling.

Anonymous said...

That is the most beautiful tree ever. Good job Meg and Eleanor! Aunt Casey is proud that she is into glitter...hehe!

Vicki said...

You both did a wonderful job on your little tree. Homemade ornaments are always the best.

Kristen said...

What an adorable tree, and what a cute picture of the little lollipop-eater!