Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Eleanor is on!!!!!!!!!

Go there and rate her video!!


Janice said...

Well, I had no doubt Eleanor is a total genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And here I thought Ava was smart for knowing all her letters and numbers but ELeanor really blows me away!! I wouldn't be surprised if she was on the Oprah show!!!

Lisa said...

Little smartie!! Hope she gets on the show :)

GG said...

Wow!!! See, I told you she was a very special gift from God!! OPRAH???? I just know she will get on her show!! She should have been on there long time ago! Great Job, Eleanor!!

Wendy said...

It won't let me see it on my stupid apple computer! :( BUt, I know she is a smarty pants! :) Way to go Eleanor! I hope she (and you) are beginning to get some sleep. Settle in slowly. This too shall pass, right? I have to keep telling myself that!!

Shana-Lynn said...

She is absolutely a special little girl. Hope she does get on the show, that will be exciting!!

BTW, I tagged you. :)

Robin said...

Can you vote more than once?

Kristen said...

All of us blogers have known how incredibly cool Eleanor is for quite some time. I hope she gets on the show!