Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our new place

On Saturday, Eleanor and I moved into an apartment. Living with family was great...I'm just a territorial controlling maniac, and needed to have my own space. So, we got it. Our very own 562 square feet of space.

I gave Eleanor the bedroom...

My bed is in the living room/office/dining room. It's nice and cozy.

I wish I could say that the sleeping thing was going better, but basically at this point, I'm feeling just like the mommy of a newborn, and there's no end in sight. It's definitely taking it's toll, since being awake with a sassy, stubborn, opinionated two-year-old is no cake-walk either.

Things can only get better from here, right?...


Anonymous said...

Yes, it can and WILL get better from here. I love your new place and I am so glad you have found a good balance. Things will get better. We love you girls!

GG said...

Ever heard the saying "it's always the darkest before the dawn? Same thing! Eleanor will be better soon. But they sure do take a lot of patience, don't they? I just love her room- you did such a beautiful job on it!

Shana-Lynn said...

Oh I feel so bad. I believe it will get better, just take it day by day, it will get better.

Lisa said...

Thinking of you two often!! Hang in there. Thanksgiving will be here before we know it!!

Janice said...

I love Eleanor's letters! Very cool. I wish I had some words of wisdom for you on the sleeping thing but I don't so I am sending you lots of good thoughts and sleep-dust for Eleanor so that she'll sleep better for you. Hang in there!

starfitch said...

I'm sorry it's still not smooth sailing, Megan. Transitions are just so hard on everyone. Hopefully the new space will help! Her rooms looks like so much fun!

Susie PSU said...

You've done a great job- you should be proud of yourself. Hang in there, and keep us posted!

Laura P said...

SOO precious. you did an awesome job with her room! so cute. jordan and cyrus and eleanor would have so much fun playing in there :(
We miss yall SOOOO much. hang in there.