Monday, August 11, 2008

'God is real!'

So, this may be my favorite home video of all time. Eleanor was being uncharacteristically cooperative with my video-recording, so I managed to capture a few of my very favorite things. My very, very favorite is 'God is real!' which she learned today at VBS. Melts my little Mommy heart into a pile of mushy goo.


Janice said...

Oh my goodness I love it!!!! She totally melted my heart too when she said, "God is real". And I love how she said "cookie custer"!!

Shana-Lynn said...

I just love her voice, it's awesome. She is really talking so much, I can't believe she isn't 2 yet! What an adorable video.

Robin said...

She is so adorable!

How is VBS going?

GG said...

I loved the God Is Real! I am so happy she is learning about Him in VBS. We can't wait to hear all this in person when she gets to Texas!!

Laura P said...

whoa dude! that video is so awesome! too too cute. she looks so grown up on the bed with her little bangs and pigtails. sweet thing. cookie custer cracks me up. great post!