Thursday, July 10, 2008

Eleanor is 22 months old!

So, I'm ridiculously late on this post. So late that in just about two weeks, Eleanor will be 23 months old. Oops. Anyway, on with the fun stuff...

Eleanor is...
  • talking like crazy. As she plays, she has this ongoing monologue. Well, I guess it could be considered a dialogue since she responds for her stuffed animals or makes them talk to each other. Some of my favorite phrases...'Oh NO!' (it's all in the way she says it), 'Bideo pease? Okay!' or 'Have some cookies, pease? Okay!' (you get it...she answers for me and the answer is always a very enthusiastic OKAY!), 'It's purple? Noooo. It's bwooo? Noooo. It's bwack? Yes!' (this can go on for some time), 'Hey, punkin'!', 'Dood morning, shuh-shine!', 'Sowwy, Mommy', 'He's sleeeep-ing. Oh, he's a-wake-up!'
  • counting in Spanish. This just happened yesterday, and I was totally blown away. I was cooking dinner, and she was playing in the kitchen, when all of a sudden, she goes, "Cuatro. Cinco. Seis." I was totally shocked since we haven't ever really worked on counting in Spanish, and I said, "Eleanor, what did you say?" She said it again, and I said, "Oh, really? What else?" And she said, "Set-ay. Ocho. Way-bay. Dis!" She has a CD that we listen to in the car that has one counting song where they count in Spanish, and she hasn't heard it since we left for our trip. Where do their little brains keep all this stuff?!!!
  • reading like crazy. Just ask Aunt Casey, Uncle Shane, and Mimi who were there when she read "hushpuppies," "catfish," "shrimp," and "chicken" from her menu at a restaurant. Oh, and for dessert they got frozen yogurt from Braum's, which she read off the side of her cup- 'bwaums!' They were amazed, and I have to say that I'm still blown away daily by her reading abilities. She reads signs as we're going down the road (stuff she has no reason to recognize like "rentals" and "donuts"), any words she can see in stores, and whatever I'm doing on the computer. The other day, she was in my lap while I was checking my e-mail, and she said, "Ya-HOO!" What in the world?! On the shuttle bus at the airport, she pointed to the exit sign and said, 'Exit.' Then, she pointed at the other one and said, 'Other exit. One. Two. Two exits!' You should have seen the other passengers' faces. Okay, I could go on and on about this, but you get the point.
  • still being very cautious. She still won't go down steps or slides. She is the polar opposite of her cousin Chloe who sprints everywhere and has no fear. Spending time with that little firecracker niece of mine made me realize just how cautious Eleanor really is. Those girls are so funny together!

Alright, I guess that about sums it up. She's fun. She's just so. much. fun.

I feel a pacie post coming up, so stay tuned if that at all interests you. And I've got SO many pictures of my precious nieces and nephew to show you!


Robin said...

"Yahoo" - that's hilarious, and I love it.

Cute picture of her, too.

Shana-Lynn said...

She is so funny. I wish we lived closer so her and Aubree could play together, I think they'd have a great ol' time.

Laura P said...

so fun. i LOVE the picture of you and eleanor together at the zoo. that's a great picture of you. And that's hilarious that she read hushpuppies and bwaums (among all the others)--those cracked me up for some reason. she's amazing. and so fun. so glad yall are back :)