Thursday, May 29, 2008


I added a little survey over in the sidebar. Please vote. If you don't have kids or no longer have kids at home, please vote for the answer most similar to what your parents did with you or what you did with your own kids, respectively.

I'm dying to know what other people are doing in the eating department. I'll post about our situation after the votes are in. Thanks!

And scroll down for LOTS of pics of my adorable little cowgirl!


GG said...

Well, I did the survey and my answer was the first one. But then, neither one of my kids liked baby food. And too, back then, we didn't have all the differeent things for babies that they have today.
I know for sure, they both turned out great!!!

starfitch said...

I answered BUT....if she won't eat what we're eating, she gets another choice but only one (which is something I know she will eat). I think she's still too young to understand the "you have to eat this or it's nothing" concept, but I'm also refusing to be a short-order cook.

Shana-Lynn said...

I wish I could say I answered #1, but I sometimes make her something else if she doesn't eat much of what we are eating.

Vicki said...

I think #1 would be the answer I would give for an older child, maybe 5 and up. Little ones are a different story in my opinion. You can't really reason with them about eating what's on the table.

When mine were very small and they refused to eat, I'd fix them something I knew they would eat. So, that's why I voted for the "a hotdog everyday never hurt anyone". :)

Our rule at the table when they got older was they had to at least try everything, or they could fix themselves a sandwich or something. I wasn't fixing two suppers! My kids were very good at eating what I put on the table, so I didn't have much of a problem. Thank goodness.