Here's what she's up to:
- Making us laugh outloud with all of her cute, new words. She knows she's funny too. We'll be totally crackin' up, and she just keeps the straightest, little face the whole time, and keeps making us laugh.
- Still crawling everywhere, but getting faster and faster everyday. In the past couple of days, she has moved to a bear crawl (on her hands and toes).
- Still being very choosy about what and how she'll eat. If she doesn't want what I give her, she shakes her head, says "Uh-uh", and places the food in the cup holder of her high chair tray. (It's SO hard not to laugh about that!) She has also apparently inherited my food texture issues, as she sometimes gags when she just touches slimy food with one finger.
- Learning to obey when we tell her no. If she's about to do something she knows she's not supposed to, she turns around, looks at me, and says, "Uh-uh." (Which doesn't always mean she won't do it.)
- Having 2AM parties in her crib at which she runs laps around the inside of the crib, plays "Toss the Pacie" ('uh-oh'), and talks to her stuffed animals. (Hilarious to watch on the video monitor!) Then, after as long as an hour, she lies back down and goes to sleep.
We are so in love that baby girl! God is SO good!
She is getting to be so grown up! Where have our babies gone?
Welcome to toddler-hood with the food and the 2am parties.
I'm also so jealous b/c it looks like fall there... especially with Eleanor wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Long sleeve shirts are a ways off for us. We are still in the 80's and 90's! Enjoy the nice weather before it gets too cold for you guys!
Wow, has it been a month already. What a smart 13 month old she is!!
I saw her bear crawl on the video - soooo cute!!!
Happy 13 months, Eleanor!
Food textures. I hear ya.
Happy 13 months! Toss the pacie is one game that I DO NOT like playing! Drives me crazy. Little stinkers know that we'll go pick it up for them. Just how are we gonna take the pacie away from these girls!
Wow! I haven't had a 2 am party since college. Sounds like fun!
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