Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Another new word

I know, I know. I keep telling myself that I'm not going to post a video every time Eleanor says a new word. And then I do. I just think it's so darn cute and amazing when she surprises me by knowing what things are called. It's not like I'm sitting around trying to make her say words all day. She just does it, and it's funny. At the very least, Eleanor's relatives are getting a kick out of the abundance of videos. It's been a while since I mailed out DVDs. Sorry guys!

A few notes about this video...
  1. Her room is messy.
  2. The boxes in the background are in her closet, which has no doors at this time. We bought new doors, but haven't put them up yet. (See previous post concerning month-long toilet saga.)
  3. I didn't mean to hit her in the head with the shoe. It's sort of hard to hold the camera, and pick up other objects at the same time. Well, it is for me anyway.


Anonymous said...

You are SOOOOOO right!! The relatives love them all!! She is so smart, it's almost scary!! Our beautiful Baby Girl!!

Lisa said...

Maybe she will have a shoe thing like Grace!! :) I love when they say new words... makes me feel like I'm doing something right :)

ps... we all have messy houses from time to time so dont appologize.

Shana-Lynn said...

Even us non-relatives love it too. She says shoes VERY well, that is great.

Ditto on the messy house comment, only mine isn't from time to time, it is all the time:-(

Janice said...

Keep those videos coming! It's fun watching her in action! She says her words pretty well.

Oh, and if you think her room is messy you should come over my house... ;-P

Kristen said...

Oh, I love watching videos of her!

The wood floor looks sparkling clean to me!