Monday, September 10, 2007

All done

So, I gave up on teaching Eleanor to sign when she was about 7 or 8 months old. I got really impatient, and thought she wasn't ever really going to consistently sign to me anyway. We've sort of picked it back up now because the alternative is her screaming at the top of her lungs until I figure out what she wants.

And success! We've finally got one concrete, consistent sign (and a bonus kiss because it's cute)...

PS- I almost always feed Eleanor with no clothes on because she insists on feeding herself and loves anything with spaghetti sauce. She really does have clothes, I promise.

Now, I'm trying to teach her a few others to make all of our lives a little bit calmer. We're working on milk, more, and please. When she was really little, she would copy me when I would sign "milk", but I don't think she ever really made the connection.

I think what she really wants to say most of the time is, "HURRY UP, MOMMY! Can't you see I'm starving/thirsty/bored/have a poopie diaper?!"


Lisa said...

Awesome! I was like you... gung ho about signing at first then gave up early on b/c Grace wasn't picking them up like I wanted. But once Grace started screaming for things we started signing again... probably about the same age. Now she will pick up a sign in a matter of minutes... I'm happy that we got back into it. Grace will consistently sign "more", "all done", "milk", "please", "thank you" and "eat". Those are really the only ones I've taught her b/c for some reason she wont say those words. She says lots of other words but these words she will only sign and it really frustrates me. Anyway, keep it up! It's nice to know what they want!!!

Janice said...

What a smart little girl! For some reason Cameron never really got into signing as much as Ava. Then again he talked earlier than her and she only says a few words. Don't know why.

Whoo-hoo for the forward facing car seat! I am so jealous! Ava is 15 months and still only weighs 19.5 lbs! I am trying to fatten her up so we can turn her around!

Wendy said...

Very cute! Great job on the signing!! Way to go Eleanor!!

Shana-Lynn said...

Yeah! I love how she is concentrating so hard in the video. She is a such a smart girl.

Kimberly said...

AWESOME!!! Go Eleanor! Sophie knows "finished, more, and hungry." They come in handy that's for sure! But here lately she's doesn't use them as much and trys to acutally say the words.