Eleanor has developed her own little crawl. It's sort of a (very slow) combo normal/bear/army man crawl. She only does it when she wants to, and not when I ask her to. If I try to force the crawl, she kicks her legs and screams and her face turns red until I sit her back up. If her toys somehow get away from her, she'll lie down and get them, but she immediately wants to sit up (which she can't do on her own yet). She still prefers standing to all other positions, and is now pulling up on a few things around the house. It seems like she's doing everything out of order. At her 9-month check-up, her pediatrician told her that she was supposed to have read the baby manual by now, and should be following it more closely.
I'm really working on not focusing on what she's not doing. I've stopped asking every mom at the mall how old their kid is because I know I shouldn't be comparing Eleanor to other babies. Am I neurotic or do all moms do this?
Anyway, here are some pictures of Eleanor's very unique little crawl. And one picture of her that I like just because...

Megan, those pictures are precious. I love the last one!! And you are not nearly as neurotic as me. I am the queen of being neurotic. Anyway, I think all moms do that because it is natural to us.
BTW, did you know your banner is not showing up? It is just showing a blank white background with a black border.
I haven't visited in awhile so I'm catching up...CONGRATS on the house!! And the little one is getting soooo big...pretty soon you'll be planning a b-day party (if you're not already)!!
I think we all ohave our neurotic moments especially when it comes to our kids! I can't help but compare other children with my kids especially when Cameron wasn't walking yet (he was a late walker). But it's only normal but we just have to try to focus on other things. And don't worry, all things come in good time.
Eleanor's pose in the second picture looks like she's doing some kind of acrobatic stance! She looks like she's suporting herself on her hands and toes!
Yes, all of us do that. We try not to but it sneaks in. It's okay! I got all paranoid when another baby was eating puffs better than mine, how silly is that? :-)
Yea, I think all parents are like that! The pictures are adorable. None of my boys ever even crawled. They all did the "army" crawl, then walked.
The banner is showing up for me. When Wendy's sister was getting her blog going, it was showing up on her screen, but not on ours, and it was figured out that it was due to what web browser is being used. Don't know any more than that.
ALL moms are neurotic when it comes to their kids! You are totally normal. You are just a caring and loving mommy and you want to make sure that Eleanor is going to graduate at the top of her class like her mommy and daddy did! :)
I was totally worried when Grace wasn't walking at a year. Not sure why. But now 4 months later she is practically running... not sure why I was in such a hurry for her to grow up.
Oh and I love the crawling pics. She is so cute in her love her little purple outfit.
hey girl - sorry I have been out of blogging - my back is really bothering me, so I am getting an epidural injection tomorrow morning! OUCH! Hopefully it will take away all my pain & I can sit and read blogs for longer!! E is gorgeous as always! Cade is ready to meet her! He's a big boy now - He turned 1 May 30th! It looks like she is doing pushups in that one pic! Congrats on the house - Isn't it an awesome feeling? We are thinking of enlarging our living/dining! Anyway Take Care!, margaret
Margaret- Sorry to hear about your back. Hope the injection gives you some relief. I'll be praying for your recovery.
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