Monday, June 25, 2007

A big weekend

So, this weekend was huge as far as baby development goes. Eleanor showed us all kinds of new tricks. We went to the mall play area today to try some of them out.

Don't you hate when you go somewhere with your camera, turn it on, and find it mocking you with the words, "No CF card.....NO CF card?" (No compact flash, i.e. no memory card, i.e. no photos for you!) Luckily, I had my trusty little point-and-shoot that I always carry in the diaper bag, and it did have a memory card.

Anyway, back to the point of this baby girl and what she can do.

She is...
pulling up on almost everything,

cruising like a big girl,

and getting into a sitting position all by herself.

I'm hoping to get some better quality pictures of these milestones later, but these are it for now. Luckily, she's cute enough to make even a bad picture look good!
Judging by that smile (and the round of applause she gave herself for sitting up), I think she's almost as proud of herself as I am of her!


Robin said...

Way to go Eleanor!

And yes, I hate when I forget the memory card. It should just know to jump back in the camera after the old pictures are downloaded.

Kristen said...

Very cute!

The no CF card thing happened to me just last week! Urgh!

Denise said...

Such a sweet baby girl! Love the pix - wish I could be there to play at the mall with you guys!!

Shana-Lynn said...

Good job Eleanor! What a sweet girl she is and so proud. I love the last photo, you should carry that one around in your purse to show off.

Anonymous said...

I just can't believe the progress she has made in the last week! We are soooooo proud of her!!!!!

Susie PSU said...

It's just amazing how fast they grow up, isn't it??

Janice said...

Darn those CF cards! Another thing I manage to do often is forget the battery on my p/s because I left it at home to charge it! Your pictures of Eleanor are still great, though!

We also have a play area in the mall and that was our Godsend especially during the winter months - and now with our little heat wave.

Wendy said...

I just love her face!!! I could sooo squeeze it! Way to go Eleanor!!