Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Miss fussypants and the teething extravaganza

So, Eleanor is officially teething. No, really, this time. (Incase you missed it, here's why I have to include the 'really.') She woke up Sunday morning with a special Mother's Day surprise for her mommy...split gums with a tiny bit of white poking through.

And it stinks. How bad does she really need teeth? I'm willing to puree her food for the rest of her life if we don't have to do this. Okay, that's a little dramatic...

I tried to take a picture of her "tooth", but I ended up with about twenty blurry pictures of her tongue. She also slimed my camera in the process, so I had to settle for these sad, little pictures. They do pretty much sum up both of our feelings about teething...


Denise said...

Teething is so not fun! Just wait until she gets a few at the same time and don't even get me started on molars!!! We had molars the same time we moved, he got sick, stayed in various places until we got settled AND daylight savings time. Ugh!! LOVE the sad teething pix and LOVE the new banner!!

Susie PSU said...

That lip poking out on the last one is hysterical! You'll get through it, just keep reminding yourself of that. :-)

Wendy said...

Ahhh. That just breaks my heart. POor little thing. Shower her with hugs! You'll get through it!!

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

You are hilarious! Teething stinks and then one day you'll have braces to look forward to! You have the right perspective though, find the sweet memories in the process.

Janice said...

Poor sweet girl! Nobody likes to see their babies in pain especially whether they're sick or teething. Has she been waking up at night?

That last picture really cracked me up. It's a good thing you have a great sense of humor about it - I was and still do turn into a total basket case when Ava's teething. But it does get better! Just can't wait, though. :-)

Shana-Lynn said...

Your poor sweet girl. Teething has to be one of the worst things these little ones go through. They can't tell us what is going on and nothing seems to help with the teething pain, orajel only lasts for a few minutes and same with those darn teething tablets. Just give lots of love and hugs and maybe something cold to chew on. Love your sad pictures though, she is so dang cute even when she is so sad and in pain.

Megan said...

Well, I gotta say...that wasn't as bad as I thought. I though I was in for days or weeks of fussiness, but we really just had one bad night followed by one horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day. Last night, she slept great, and this morning when we woke up, we could see the whole top of the tooth. The only bad thing is, I'm pretty sure the tooth's twin brother will be making his appearance shortly...he's definitely hiding just below the gums, waiting to jump out.

Shana-Lynn said...

Megan is that a shirt or dress on Eleanor? I love the little watermelons!!

Megan said...

Shana- It's a shirt with little bloomer shorts. Believe it or not, I got it at a consignment sale for 2 bucks. It was such a great find!! :)

Shana-Lynn said...

$2.00, are you kidding me? That is a wonderful deal! It is so cute, I love it. You always have Eleanor dressed in the cutest little outfits.

Lisa said...

Teething does stink! I do love the pictures even though she was looking sad.

M said...

hey girl - welcome to teething! You might want to give E some teething tablets - I will email you what they are! They work great with our kids!
Cade is very happy that E is getting her teeth, so they can go on a date! :)