I turned my back for one second, and when I turned back around, this is what Eleanor was doing. She was spinning the "tire" on her walker toy. I think she was checking for a flat. Jared and I started laughing, and she just stared at us like, "What's so funny?"
I know I probably shouldn't keep putting her in the boppy. She sits independently very well, but even the slightest fall causes seriously high drama. I think it's easier just to avoid the whole thing!
That is too cute. As far as using the boppy... don't worry about it. Maybe it's like a security blanket and she feels more comfortable with it around her too. I was nervous too about Grace tumbling over. Now she falls over all the time (learning to walk) and its crazy!
I loved the boppy, that was our best friend for a long time! Eleanor is such a smart one, love the face.
Oh how cute. That expression! Funny how they find the toys entertaining in a whole new way!
She definitely has that "what's so funny?" look on her face! Hey, you never know when she'll need to change a tire by herself, so you might as well start her young ;-)!!
I still use my boppy - not on Ava but for myself, it's a great pillow when I'm watching tv!
Boppy is still out in our place too. JD uses it to rest his arm when using his laptop. I use it when napping on the couch. Anyway, LOVE the picture and her priceless expression. She is so cute!!
I love it.
I love when they make the "what are you laughing about" looks!
Cute picture!
We should go see the queen tomorrow.
No more comment moderation!
Robin- What???
The Queen of England is here this weekend.
Then my second comment was just noting you turned off comment moderation.
Robin- Yeah, I got the comment moderation part. I was just clueless on the queen thing. I really, really need to watch the news!
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