Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Future auto mechanic?

I turned my back for one second, and when I turned back around, this is what Eleanor was doing. She was spinning the "tire" on her walker toy. I think she was checking for a flat. Jared and I started laughing, and she just stared at us like, "What's so funny?"
I know I probably shouldn't keep putting her in the boppy. She sits independently very well, but even the slightest fall causes seriously high drama. I think it's easier just to avoid the whole thing!


Lisa said...

That is too cute. As far as using the boppy... don't worry about it. Maybe it's like a security blanket and she feels more comfortable with it around her too. I was nervous too about Grace tumbling over. Now she falls over all the time (learning to walk) and its crazy!

Shana-Lynn said...

I loved the boppy, that was our best friend for a long time! Eleanor is such a smart one, love the face.

Wendy said...

Oh how cute. That expression! Funny how they find the toys entertaining in a whole new way!

Janice said...

She definitely has that "what's so funny?" look on her face! Hey, you never know when she'll need to change a tire by herself, so you might as well start her young ;-)!!

I still use my boppy - not on Ava but for myself, it's a great pillow when I'm watching tv!

Denise said...

Boppy is still out in our place too. JD uses it to rest his arm when using his laptop. I use it when napping on the couch. Anyway, LOVE the picture and her priceless expression. She is so cute!!

Kristen said...

I love it.

I love when they make the "what are you laughing about" looks!

Robin said...

Cute picture!

We should go see the queen tomorrow.

Robin said...

No more comment moderation!

Megan said...

Robin- What???

Robin said...,2933,269840,00.html

The Queen of England is here this weekend.

Then my second comment was just noting you turned off comment moderation.

Megan said...

Robin- Yeah, I got the comment moderation part. I was just clueless on the queen thing. I really, really need to watch the news!