Friday, May 4, 2007

She really is a happy baby

Sometimes I'm embarrassed by how much of the time Eleanor gives people the serious look. Strangers come up to her, smiling and talking to her, and most of the time she just stares. They don't really know how to respond, so they just kind of shrug and walk off. I can't count the number of times people have said, "Look how she studies everything" or "She's an observer." I think those are nice ways of saying, "Boy, your kid doesn't smile very much." One lady who couldn't get a smile even said, "She looks so wise." Really?! Because she's eight months old. How wise could she possibly be? Though I must admit she is quite knowledgeable about the finer things- drinking milk, pooping, crying.

I don't know why she looks so serious when we're out. My best guess is that she's just taking in everything around her, and trying to make sense of it all. Sometimes she's really intent, and you can see the concentration on her face.

Maybe I should carry around copies of these pictures to show strangers who might think she's just a grump. Either that or I could make her smile at them by pulling up her shirt, blowing on her tummy and making silly noises. But that might be a little awkward.


Lisa said...

I'm rolling on the ground laughing right now. This cracks me up.

If you had my daughter on the other hand, she waves, talks, smiles, say "hi" to pretty much anyone... even the creepy people you want to avoid at Wal-mart. So it could be worse right?

Anyway, I would try to take it as a compliment. I always get "wow, she is very social". I guess Grace is more like me then I realize :)

Wendy said...

That is so funny. I think blowing raspberries on the tummy for strangers to make her laugh might be a little odd. We all know she's a happy baby. Love her smiles.

Janice said...

Megan, my kids are the same exact way - I'd like to say they save their smiles for the special people in their lives (like mommy and daddy).

Eleanor has such a beautiful smile that would definitely light up any room!

Shana-Lynn said...

Too funny. Eleanor's smile is so sweet, love it.

Kristen said...

You crack me up!