Friday, May 25, 2007

Bath time with Daddy

A couple of weeks ago, Jared decided that he would take over bath time and bed time. I hated letting of those two things, but I do get to have all day with her. Besides, I could use the "break" (i.e. time to do the dinner dishes, fold the laundry, pick up toys, etc.)

I can tell Eleanor really enjoys the special time with her daddy. I love hearing them play and laugh from the other room. Those moments are priceless. Here are a couple of pictures I snapped when I intruded on their daddy-daughter time a couple of days ago. The mohawk one cracks me up because she looks like she's playing the air guitar. Hilarious!


Shana-Lynn said...

They are both great pictures but the first one really cracks me up, it looks like she is about to wink! ;-)

Kristen said...

What adorable pictures! I like the first one too.

Susie PSU said...

I love having Chris do the bath and bed. It does give me time to do the dishes, call a friend, or check my email. I kiss them goodnight, but the rest is ALL Daddy. Take advantage of it - we have them all day!

Anonymous said...

Both pictures are just precious!! Tell Dad to turn around and let us see HIS face, too!! This is a real treasure@

Wendy said...

It toally looks like air guitar. You are so funny. I WISH mine would do bed and bath. Oh, to dream......