...is this thing on??
Yes, I am a horrible blogger. I could try to make excuses for myself, but I'll spare you the drama. :) Here's what's going on in our lives...
Eleanor is becoming more and more interested in and capable of reading well. I discovered today that she can read silently. I would write a sentence like, "Chloe is sleeping in the bed," give her a chance to read it, and then ask a question about it like, "What is Chloe doing?" and she would say, "Cho-e is seeping in da bed." I was amazed. That smart little cookie surprises me everyday with this reading thing.
She has been very into pretending. Tonight, we had to "ride" pillows around the apartment pretending they were horses, and don't even think about forgetting the Giddy-up, thank you very much. She also pretends a lot with her doctor's kit since the surgery. She likes to listen to people's hearts (which apparently go, "tkk...tkk...tkk) and take their "bwood pesher", and of course give them medicine. All the patients are appropriately rewarded with a lollipop at the end of their exam.
She's becoming quite the little comedian. She does these hilarious voices that I can't even begin to describe. They come out of the blue, but I promise you can't keep a straight face when she's doing it. She also makes jokes like putting her finger in her nose and saying, "Put it in da nose. Dat's a YES-YES!" (Like instead of a no-no. So witty, I tell ya.) Tonight, when I was cutting her toenails she said, "Mommy cut my foot-nails." That is going to be crackin' me up for a long time.
She sings like crazy. She knows tons of songs. Sometimes she makes up new words to a familiar tune or sings familiar words to a made-up tune. She can also clap the rhythms of songs really well, which is impressive to me, since I personally have not one musical bone in my body.
I have been doing a ton of photo shoots. Too many, in fact. As of tomorrow, though, I'm done until Jared's visit is over. HE GETS HERE IN THIRTEEN DAYS!!!!!!!!!!! (I started crying just typing that.) I cannot wait!!!!!!!! So, probably no blogging then either. Sorry. :)
Since I've been
focusing (ba-dum-bum-pshhh!) on pictures of other people's kids, this is all I have to offer of my own...straight out of the camera, on-board flash, terrible lighting, shot in auto mode pictures of her playing in the outfit she picked out today. And she's STILL cute...