The sleeping is still just so-so. I'll give you the run-down...nine days ago when we were still at home, Eleanor started refusing to go to sleep. (By 'refusing', I mean became absolutely hysterical at the very mention of it.) This totally rocked my world because we had always just put her in her bed, and left the room. So, for several (read- way too many) nights, she slept with me. I hate sleeping with Eleanor. The main reason is she kicks me and rolls on me all night long, and I wake up feeling like I never went to sleep. I decided when we got to Texas, we'd just go straight for sleeping in the Elmo toddler bed since she wasn't sleeping in a crib anyway. In my head, she'd be so overwhelmingly excited about the Elmo bed that she would just leap in, put her little punkin' head on the pillow and fall into a deep peaceful sleep. Right. When that didn't happen, she ended up back in the bed with me.
As of today, though, she has slept two entire nights in her Elmo bed by herself. I did have to make a compromise...I have to stay in the room until she falls asleep, which, for the past two nights, has taken an hour. I can't say that I particularly enjoy lying in the dark pretending to be asleep for an hour, but there are worse the shrieking and thrashing and heaving that take place if I leave.
I feel like this is all going to get better soon, particularly now that she's actually seeing her Daddy (via the webcam).
Tomorrow, Eleanor starts Mother's Day Out at my mom and sister's church. She'll be going on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 2:00. I think she'll love it...she loved VBS and yesterday (at the same church) ran into her class and started playing before I could even say goodbye. I'm anxious to see how naptime will go...
Here's Little Missy playing in her big-girl bed.

Well, hopefully the two nights mean good things! I'm sure the webcam is genius and she's LOVING it (and daddy too!). Here's to sleep for you all. Maybe you can gradually start lessening the time you stay with her until she's back to falling asleep on her own.
What a doll. Glad you are both able to see Jared on the cam. That will hopefully make things easier. And, I hope she falls into a routine in no time. Enjoy moms day out tomorrow, and have some fun. After VBS today, you can imagine she will be having fun as well! She adjust quickly! Even if it takes some extra mommy love at night for a bit!
I am glad the last two nights have been better for you. She looks so adorable in her big girl bed. I am sure Eleanor will start to really adjust after a couple more weeks, hang in there Megan. Glad you have been able to see and talk to Jared, that should help you all out.
Thinking of you guys.
2 nights... that is awesome. Sitting for an hour not so fun. But I'm sure it will get better. We had to do that for a short time with Grace too when we made the switch. Glad to see though that you just went ahead and did the bed thing with the move.
With Grace we did start sitting on the end of the bed until she fell asleep (for several nights), then we started standing by her bed (for a few nights), then standing in the doorway, then outside the door, the outside with the door shut.... you get the idea. I hope that helps.
Oh and hope that the Mother's Day out thing goes well for you. I know you deserve a little time away from your sweetie pie. :)
Glad she can see Jared now on the webcam... great idea!
Well i'm hoping that the sleeping gets better. Sophie has been refusing bed too. Right now shes screaming and crying. I don't understand it either.
Those web cams are awesome aren't they? Glad you made it safely!
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