That's what Eleanor says when she find something particularly funny or when she's trying to make a joke. And here's some more of her hilarity:
- She calls toothbrushes "bwush-a-teeth." Like, "Dat's Mommy's bwush-a-teeth and that's El-nor's bwush-a-teeth."
- Today, while I was in the bath tub, Eleanor came walking into the bathroom holding my bra up to her chest, and said, "I getting dwessed, Mommy."
- This might only be funny if you watch "The Office"...Jared has a Dwight bobble-head on his nightstand (just temporarily displaced from his desk at work), and I taught Eleanor to say "Dwight SCHWUUUTE!" She likes playing, "Keek-i-boo" with Dwight. "Dwight SCHWUUTE? Ah you?"
- Today, she asked to go "poo-poo on the potty," so I put her on the big potty on her Elmo seat and she went. Her reaction was, "Uh-oh! Dropped it!"
- Tonight, when we were watching "Wheel Portune," she walked over to the TV, pointed to the category for the puzzle, and said, "WOOK! It's a phrase!!"
Shutterfly time again!!! These are fabulous!! Her MiMi will love them, too!!
She can really come up some things. I can't wait for her to be our little entertainer. We'll have "Elevision" everyday. ;-)
Those are so cute!!!
aawww---you'll have a little buddy to watch The Office with. . . cracks me up.
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