Wednesday, July 30, 2008

An announcement

So, here's the biggest, strangest, worst, coolest news to ever hit this blog...
Jared is going to Iraq. For a year.
Eleanor and I are moving to Texas. For a year. We'll be driving down with a year's worth of stuff in our car some time in September.
We're so excited about spending so much time with family and friends, but obviously we're very sad that we'll be away from our Daddy/hubbie, our house, and our Virginia friends for such a long time.
While I don't want Jared to go, there are things to be done there. And somebody's husband/Daddy/son/grandson has to go do them.


Lisa said...

OH MY! I would have never expected that post. I don't even know what to say except I should hope that we will definitly get to meet Miss Eleanor now! :)

Please let us know more if/when you can. We will be praying for you all!!

starfitch said...

Oh, wow. I didn't realize he was in the military!?!?! Or is it something else? It's definitely a mixed blessing, but you'll enjoy your time in Texas. I can't begin to imagine how you prepare for something like that.

Your family will be in my prayers.

Kimberly said...

WOW! Will be be doing contract work or is he in the military? You guys seems like one strong family so you'll all get through this and that year will fly by! And your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Shana-Lynn said...

Oh wow! I've only been away for a few days, I have missed a lot! Wow, I will be thinking about you guys and prayers will always will be with you. Our friend just got back on Sunday after being over there for 6 months, so I know through them the situation. Let us know if we can do ANYTHING!

GG said...

I'm having a hard time with this info. I'll have to comment later.

Janice said...

Megan, I honestly don't know what to say. I know you will have a wondeful time in Texas with your family. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to your husband and your family. It makes me sad that somebody's husband/father/son/ grandson has to go. I hope the year passes by quickly for you.

Vicki said...

That is the biggest, strangest, worst, coolest news ever!! Such a mixture of feelings...but all I'm going to do is concentrate on having you and Eleanor here in Texas. We will just have to trust in God to take care of Jared. I'm very proud of him for serving his country.
God Bless you, I know it's not going to be easy. :(

Angela said...

MEGAN!!!!!! We're going to miss you so much!!! I am glad you will get to be with your family though.

Kristen said...

Wow Megan! That is big news. I am feeling what you're going through, having been through it myself! I'll be thinking about you, and sending prayers up!

Anonymous said...

We can't wait to have you in Texas for awhile, but I definitely wish it was under different circumstances. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both!

Jeannie said...

WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?! I have not been keeping up with my fav blogs lately----I am in shock!

do you need any help with anything? what are you going to do with your house?