Saturday, June 21, 2008

Office space

So, my laptop never recovered from the wine spill. I had to get a new computer. A desktop that is stinkin' awesome and has cut the editing time for a shoot down by about 60%. (I throw out random percentages a lot- something I have recently noticed about myself, but that apparently other people had already noted.) Anyway, it's awesome. I love it. And I love my husband for building it for me (and for various other reasons.) It's so super fast, and I have more hard drive space for photos than I'll need for the the next year. Here's a picture of the monitor that I downloaded (legally) and did not take myself. It's huge and the colors are

If anyone needs me, I'll be in my "office" in the basement. And I'll be happy.


Shana-Lynn said...

Oh....I'm so jealous,that looks awesome. Your hubby sounds pretty handy with computers. I think him and Kyle would get along pretty well, he likes that kind of stuff too.

Well, Congrats!!!

starfitch said...

Ooh....big. :-) New toys are so fun!

GG said...

He built my first computer for me so I'm not the least bit surprised he built yours! You're right - HE's AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Besides that he's good looking, too!!

Susie PSU said...

Wow, that IS big!!


Laura P said...

awesome!!! now you'll be down in the basement ALL the time :)