Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Eleanor is 21 months old!

But don't dare say "almost two." This mommy just can't take it! :)

Here are some cute things my ONE-year-old is up to:
  • Singing all the time. Her latest song is "Rubber Duckie" that Ernie sings on Sesame Street. She says, "Rudder ducty, you da-da!" Okay, so not really close to the actually words ("Rubber duckie, you're the one), but it's totally adorable, and she's got the ending down pretty well.
  • A couple of new animal sounds. Donkeys say, 'Hee-HAAAAWWWW!' and frogs say, "RRRRIDDITTT!" (That's my favorite!)
  • Signing like crazy. She signs tons of words and loves to learn new ones. She can even sign some of the theme song from Signing Time, as it's coming on.
  • Some favorite phrases: 'Der you go!' (There you go.) 'Dood one.' (Good one, which she learned while playing catch with Daddy.) 'I so-wy.' (I'm sorry.) 'Bye-bye! You way-ter!" (See you later.) 'Uh-oh! I dopt it!' (I dropped it, which means, "Hey, Mommy, pick that up.)
  • Brushing her teeth about three times a day. I think she does this for two reasons...1) her toothbrush is pink and 2) she likes the taste of the toothpaste.
  • Helping out a lot around the house. She puts toys and shoes 'away!', puts dirty (and sometimes clean) clothes in the hamper, throws away anything she finds on the floor that looks like trash, and helps with dusting the furniture. I love having her around to help out!

And, because this month's b-day snuck up on me, I had to just go with what was on the memory card...


Janice said...

The kids love Signing Time, too! It seems like she just turned a year old to me. Where did the time go??? These monthly birthdates sneek up so fast, next thing you know she will be two like Ava (sniff, sniff).

starfitch said... "two" around here! ;-) She is so cute!! I'm loving the new language every day too.

GG said...

I would sure appreciate the help picking things up, too! She's fantastic! How about a video of those songs?

Shana-Lynn said...

Happy 21 months!!!

I love all her new words and the fact that she is signing some much, she's awesome!

I think I am sending Aubree to you so Eleanor can teach her to pick up her toys. It's a battle in our home.