Saturday, December 1, 2007

Eleanor is 15 months old!

Well, somehow amongst our other big announcements (which you can find here and here), I forgot to mention that Eleanor turned 15 months. Here are some things she's up to (as if you don't already know):
  • Making letter sounds. She's up to 13 now, and likes to point them out EVERYWHERE- books, magazines, newspapers, the sides of trucks in traffic, etc.
  • Reading some words. Not sure how this happened, and I'm still investigating the extent of her reading ability.
  • Saying new words every day. I tried counting the words in her vocabulary, and I think it's somewhere just over 50 or so. She has even put some words into "sentences." Her first "sentence" was, 'Mama apple.' And her third was, 'Ba-bo all done.' ("Ba-bo" means video, but was not included as a real word in the word count.)
  • Pretending to eat her food when she's at the table so that I will leave her alone about it. I would video it as it's quite hilarious, but I'm trying not to encourage it. :)
  • Making anyone who looks like they can read open her books and read them to her. She knows how to sign "please", and does it when she hands you the book. Who could possibly resist that??

I guess that about sums it up. It's been a busy month, and we have loved every second of having our company here to enjoy new milestones with us! We won't know what to do when they leave next week!! :(


Wendy said...

I can't believe she has done it, but She has gone and gotten even cuter!! Oh, how I have missed reading your blog!!! I am back!! I had some catching up to do though, and that reading video???!!! AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

Sooo sweet!! The hat is too cute. She looks like she just popped out of the book Heidi. :)

Lisa said...

WOW! 50 words!!! That is amazing. Grace probably says about that many. You really need to be a teacher!

Shana-Lynn said...

YIPPEE for 15 months!! She certainly has been one busy girl this month, she is amazing. She is such a sweetie.