Friday, November 30, 2007

I have an announcement...

After 8 long months of cruising along the furniture and 5 long months of crawling around....Eleanor is finally walking!!!!!!

I'm so excited...I feel like I won the lottery or something. I can't believe it just happened so suddenly!

Be sure to see the video below (if you haven't already) of something else new and exciting she can do!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I know you are very relieved and excited. It's been quite a week in the life of Eleanor Hudson.

Lisa said...

YEAH Eleanor!

ps....Megan, your life has changed as you know it! Just wait until she can run! :)

Robin said...

Oh yay! Way to go Eleanor!

Shana-Lynn said...

Yeah!!!! Good job there girl, you are going to keep your momma on her toes now!

Kristen said...

That's so exciting! Way to go E!