Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Christmas photo essay

Starring: Eleanor Macy Hudson
Wardrobe provided by: Wendy

Eleanor: "You want me to do what with this stupid stocking? Forget this, I'm going to get a book."

Mommy: "Eleanor, would you please look at Mommy and smile?"
Eleanor: "Can't you see I'm busy?"

Mommy: "Come on, Eleanor. Just one picture. Please look at Mommy."
Eleanor: "Fine. How's this?"

Mommy: "Mommy just wants one picture of you in your beautiful Christmas dress that our blogger friend Wendy sent with the tags still on."
Eleanor: "Put that darn camera down, and READ THIS BOOK TO ME!!!!"

Eleanor: "Fine, Mommy. I will sit and act like I'm playing with this stupid toy, but I will NOT look at you OR smile! There, can I have my book back now?"


starfitch said...

THey are getting so hard to photograph, aren't they? Cute anyway...I love that dress!

Shana-Lynn said...

Love your captions Megan! And that dress....Eleanor looks like a little model in it, even if she didn't want to smile.

Lisa said...

It gets so hard to snap at picture at this age. Grace will smile and say "cheese", but by time my slower than dirt camera actually snaps the picture she is already looking the other way.

Wendy said...

Oh Megan!!! That looks so cute on her!! I wish I had put Elaina in it, but it was always too cold! I love it! Glad to see you getting use out of it! I love seeing her in the clothes I sent! The Halloween overalls were too cute on her as well! She of course makes the outfits!!

GG said...

I lo

GG said...

I loove the precious dress. the little doll, and also the entertaining captions!! Wish I was that talented!!

Kimberly said...

Nope they NEVER want to have their pic taken when you want them too. But she still looks adorable!