Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mmmm....eggplant and artichoke

Here are a couple of videos of Miss Priss showing off her tricks. The first two (it was over the 100MB limit) are of her naming the fruits and veggies from her food basket. (This in no way indicates that she will eat any of the featured items.) The last one shows her identifying a few letters and the sounds they make. (There you go, Gigi.) She can now pick out A, S, D, B, M, and Z in books or out of a group of letters. That kid...

Blogger refused to upload my videos, so back to Photobucket. I would use YouTube, but someone tried to invite me to be their "friend", so I took all of my videos off, and won't be going back. I hope everyone can see the Photobucket videos this time.


Shana-Lynn said...

I love how she is trying to taste each piece of food. She is SOOOOO cute and smart!! I can't get over how she knows those sounds so well, she is going to start reading soon!

Anonymous said...

GG says thank you very much for the videos!! THEY ARE PRICELESS!!!!!! She just keeps us more amazed everytime we see her!! Is she old enough to have her IQ checked??? With a Mom & Dad like she has, it's bound to be HIGH!!!

Robin said...

Cute videos!

You can make your stuff private on youtube, right?

Anonymous said...

I believe she is the next Baby Einstein. That's incredible!! You should try the real vegetable sometime and see how she does with those. Thanks for the videos.

Anonymous said...

Bravo to Eleanor for being so smart, and Bravo to Mom for teaching her so many things! The two of you have accomplished quite alot!

Janice said...

Megan, she is amazing!!!! I can't believe she even knows the sounds to the letters!!!! The videos are adorable - she's adorable!!!