Thursday, September 13, 2007


So, Eleanor has had some eating issues in the past month (i.e. she doesn't want to eat anything I want her to eat), but we have run across a few sure-bet food. This week's sure bet is a banana. She'll eat the whole thing right up. That makes me very happy, as her other go-to foods have been less healthy (Nutrigrain bars, Goldfish, pancakes, etc.)

Yesterday, while I was putting the banana on her tray, she said, 'Nana.' I thought I must have imagined it, so I said, 'What, Eleanor? What is this?', and she pointed her little finger and said, 'Nana.' That kid cracks me up!

In the video, it's sort of hard to understand her because her mouth is full of 'nana, but you get the idea...

(Please note that she is eating with clothes on. She prefers to spread the 'nana on her face and hair.)

UPDATE to this post:
Okay, so when my husband saw this post, he laughed at me. He said it didn't sound like she was saying "nana" at all. Whatever. I was there. She said it. Two days in a row.

And I know I can count on my blogger friends to back me up. Wink, wink.


Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY heard it!!!

starfitch said...

He has Daddy hearing. She said NA-na! Smart girl. Healthy girl. Better than the chocolate cookie mine INSISTED she shared with me today.

Lisa said...

I heard it!! Just wanted to remind you not to give her too many nana's... they may make her constipated! :) They do with Grace.

Lisa said...

Oh and just wait till she can tell you no and throws the whole plate of food right when you put it on the table...

Shana-Lynn said...

Sounds like Nana to be.

Anonymous said...

I certainly agree with you and tell your hubby I said so!! She said nana very plain! I am so proud of her!!

Robin said...

I heard it, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah. She definitely said "nana". What a brilliant little girl.

Wendy said...

Sounded like nana to me too!! I will have to agree with momma on this one!