Wednesday, June 13, 2007


This first one is a video of Eleanor saying her new favorite word. WARNING: There is a very brief screaming fit in the middle of this video. Who knows what brought it on?! It only lasts a second, but is very loud.

Here's the 'sort of crawl' mentioned in an earlier post. I've kind of just accepted that this is probably her crawl. Its uniqueness is growing on me.


Shana-Lynn said...

LOVE IT! That crawl is precious, she makes progress rather quickly with it too.

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

Basically you rock! You are the silliest mommy evah! I don't even know Eleanor and I'm crazy about her! How funny to be watching baby videos and totally loving them! Thanks! This chica baby is adorable!

GG said...

Thata's the most beautiful sight in the world! You now have a talker and a crawler!! Hooray for you, Eleanor!!!!!!!!

Janice said...

Tell Eleanor "Hey" back for me! She is too much! And by the way, she is a doll baby - what a Cupie doll!

Robin said...

Yay, Eleanor!

I love the slow little arm stretch at the end to grab the keys. Such concentration - it's so cute.

Anonymous said...

That is the most ADORABLE little inch worm crawl ever. She's figured out how to go places, with her own unique flair!

Lisa said...

That is EXACTLY what my friend's baby looked like when she was crawling. Although after about a month of that she learned to crawl on all 4's. It is rather cute though :)

I also love the "hey". What a cute little voice! Grace is really trying to hard to talk and say more words. I'm sure they will both be little chatter boxes before long!

Wendy said...

OKay- I felt like I should have given her some kind of medal or something for reaching the keys. She was soo cute. I love the little fit on the first one too, and then she is totally fine, like it wasn't even her. Tooo funny!! Loved both of them!!

Kristen said...

Dang, I seem to be the only one who can't make it work. it told me I had to install the program. I thought I had it, but ok, I did. It said it installed, but the video still won't play. I'm going to have to get my husband in here to help me, because if I have to miss an Eleanor video, I might just throw a fit myself!!! I'll do it.

Denise said...

Such a little Southern girl saying, "Hey" for hi. VERY cute, Eleanor! And I love her crawl. It has a little bit of a breakdancing feel to it, don't ya think? And her little outfit was so cute. I love how hard she was working too. She WAS GOING to get to them keys - yessireee!

Kristen said...

OK, it worked that time, and it was adorable! Very cute. Love the "hey"