Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I'm a big kid now!

I am amazed everyday at the new tricks Eleanor has up her sleeve. This was yesterday's new trick...holding her own bottle. This morning, I fed her breakfast, then gave her a bottle, and went to make my own breakfast. What freedom! I did, however, cry about the fact that she no longer needs me to hold the bottle for her. I will still get to feed it to her at nighttime, though, because I don't think either of us is ready to give up the pre-bedtime cuddling.

Also, I somehow forgot to mention this little milestone that Eleanor achieved a few weeks ago...She can drink from a sippy cup all by herself, but she refuses to drink milk from it. I tried giving her milk at dinnertime in the cup the other day, which caused a full-blown tantrum to ensue. I mean one of those, red-faced, pounding fists on the highchair tantrums. As soon as I gave her a bottle, she stopped and calmly drank it. I can't wait to try to wean her off bottles!

And, while we're on the subject of milestones, what's with this rolling over thing?! I waited and waited and (worriedly) waited for Eleanor to roll over, and now I just wish she'd forget how! I was up and down all night long because she kept rolling herself into some sort of a jam (e.g. her leg out of the crib, her arm stuck under her body). Also, she rolls onto her tummy (which makes the super-suffocation-policewoman in me gasp in horror), so that when I try to sneak in and check on her, that little head pops up and catches me in the act. Arrrggghhh!

Being the mommy of an ever-changing infant sure keeps you on your toes!


starfitch said...

That darn rolling makes sleeping so tricky! We went through the same thing and still do, occasionally. Eventually they just figure it out, I guess! Love the month series on the right...how she's changed!

Kimberly said...

The whole bottle holding thing sort of made me sad too!
And Sophia flat out refused milk from a sippy too!!! She's 13 months and still gets her bedtime bottle of milk but starting tomorrow I'm gonna try the sippy, lord help me!

Susie PSU said...

Wow, Molly didn't hold her bottle until she was about 10 months old. I thought I was going to be feeding that child forever, but she managed to get the hang of it one week before we moved across the country!

Lisa said...

I was never able to get Grace to take anything other than water or juice in a sippy cup until I weaned from breastfeeding. So maybe its the same with formula feeding... oh and she really didn't like whole milk till around 13.5 months... just had to keep trying it.

As far as the rolling, can't hel you there much. I don't know there is anything you can do. My
Grace actually sleeps most of the time on her tummy now. I lay her on her back and practically instantly she is on her tummy. I finally just gave up b/c I knew she could roll back just didn't want to.

Wendy said...

Ugh your telling me. I remember having to untangled little legs and arms from funky positions after rolling into them. AND WOW!!! No mommy hands! What a BIG girl!!