Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sitting up

Okay, here are the official pictures of Eleanor sitting up. I am SO amazed at how much she has learned to do just in the past week. Two days ago, she could only sit by herself for a few seconds before toppling, and now look...

I call the first one her "Heisman." Not sure what she's doing in the last one, but I think it's funny.


Robin said...

Yea, Eleanor! Way to go! Cute overalls, too.

Janice said...

I love her "Heisman" pose!!! She certainly knows how to ham it up for the camera!!

M said...

hey megan - She is so big - Cade is sitting up good now too - he is even pulling up and standing at the table - and chewing on it!

Lisa said...

Cute! I also love the overalls and little shoes. She just looks so proud to be sitting up on her own. Way to go Eleanor!