Friday, February 16, 2007

The many faces of Eleanor

Eleanor manages to keep me laughing with the new facial expressions she comes up with everyday. I think she's going to be one of those people that can't hide how they're feeling because it's written all over her face. There goes her spot on the Texas Hold 'Em Poker tour. Here are a few of my favorite faces from today...


Pensive (and drooling)And my favorite, of course...



M said...

She is just so pretty - When is her b-day??

Megan said...


Her b-day is Aug. 28th. She was due on Oct. 3rd, but she was in a hurry to meet us. :)

Lisa said...

Love it. Just wait until she looks at you like you are crazy. I get that look a lot! :)

Denise said...

My favorite is her bored face.