Monday, May 4, 2009


I have mentioned before how awesome the zoo here is! We decided to take the girls back on Monday. It was a perfect zoo day weather-wise. Well, that is, if you bothered to watch the weather and dress yourself and your child appropriately, which was not the case with me. I just assumed since it had been in the 80's that a tank-top would work, but it ended up being in the 60's, so I was a little cool. Eleanor didn't seem to be bothered by the weather, as she was totally pre-occupied with all of the animals. (My sister and I were pre-occupied with the male elephant and his that's not a story for this Mommy blog.)

There was also some excitement when Eleanor dropped "Baby Minnie" (see photos below) over the rail into the alligator pit. I knew that the rest of our trip would be a complete disaster if we didn't get her back, so I climbed over the rail and down several feet into the alligator pit, where I saved Baby Minnie from her impending fate as an alligator's lunch. Afterwards, we were annoyed that we didn't get a picture, but I was sort of in a rush to get my happy little behind away from the alligators before I ended up being a story on the evening news that made everyone shake their heads and say, "What an idiot!"

Some pics from the zoo...

A squirrel. Really?!


Shana-Lynn said...

Sounds like a good trip! You should take Eleanor to Disney when your hubby returns. I promise it isn't scary at all. Aubree LOVED it last year.

Lisa said...

I love your zoo too!! Glad the minnie was saved... but you totally should have asked someone else to rescue it!!

Robin said...

I don't believe you alligator pit story.

*Conveniently* there are no pictures of it.

Kimberly said...

OMG are you INSANE! You've gotta be pulling our leg! I just watched an episode of "When Animals Attack" and some chick got attacked by a polar bear doing that!